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A federal election is a great opportunity to make poverty history.
We can greatly improve the chance of governments taking serious actions to make poverty history at home and abroad if we make poverty a main election issue. If we can use the election to secure commitments from party leaders on antipoverty policies, it will be easier to get them to keep these promises after an election. We need to show candidates that many voters care about poverty and want to know what candidates and parties will do to make poverty history.
That is why we have launched the Vote to Make Poverty History nonpartisan, third party campaign. To make poverty an issue during the election campaign
- get a significant number of candidates to endorse Make Poverty History’s campaign goals,
- secure a commitment from political parties on Make Poverty History goals in party platforms and leader’s statements,
- motivate people to vote to make poverty history, and
- create favourable conditions for realizing Make Poverty History goals after the election.
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